Crossing Species: Detecting Zoonotic Pathogens
From the bubonic plague to the recent COVID-19 outbreak, zoonotic pathogens pose a significant threat to global health and demand our attention.

One Health: Safeguarding Human, Animal, & Environmental Health
One Health is a holistic approach that recognizes the interconnectedness of human health, animal health, and the environment. Learn how Kraken Sense is leveraging One Health principles to safeguard water sources and protect the health of our people, animals, and environment.

Preventing Avian Flu: How KRAKEN Real-Time Pathogen Detection Can Make a Difference
Avian flu outbreaks have been a growing concern worldwide, with recent developments suggesting the virus may adapt to infect humans more easily. With the fast-spreading nature of infectious diseases, real-time surveillance measures are necessary to curb the spread.

Preventing Avian Flu Outbreaks as Egg Prices Skyrocket
The current avian flu outbreak has affected 58 million poultry in the United States, making it the worst outbreak in recent history. The KRAKEN real-time pathogen detection device can save millions of chickens from being culled and prevent food supply shortages, reducing the impact on the poultry industry.