Microbial Source Tracking: Unmasking the Source of Water Pollution

In the United States alone, waterborne diseases account for an estimated 7.15 million cases of illness each year, leading to significant public health and economic burdens [1].

Microbial source tracking (MST) is used to pinpoint the origins of microbial contamination in various environments. Whether the contamination arises from human activity, agricultural runoff, or wildlife, MST provides the tools necessary to trace the problem back to its source, enabling targeted and effective remediation strategies.

What is Microbial Source Tracking?

Microbial source tracking encompasses a range of biological, chemical, and molecular techniques aimed at discerning the origins of fecal bacteria present in aquatic environments such as lakes, rivers, and streams. By precisely identifying the sources of fecal contamination, MST empowers resource managers with invaluable insights to make informed decisions regarding water quality management. Unlike conventional techniques that merely detect the presence of fecal indicator bacteria (FIB), MST goes a step further by pinpointing the specific microbial contributors to contamination to facilitate targeted mitigation efforts.

One of the remarkable capabilities of MST lies in its ability to differentiate fecal contamination between various animal species. Animals possess unique microbial communities in their digestive tracts, influenced by factors such as diet and behavior. By analyzing the genetic material present in fecal bacteria, MST can discern distinct microbial signatures associated with different animal sources.

The Dangers of Fecal Contamination

Fecal contamination poses significant risks to both human health and the environment. When water bodies become contaminated with fecal matter, bacteria, viruses, and parasites are released into the water supply. Ingesting or coming into contact with water contaminated with these pathogens can result in gastrointestinal illnesses, including diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, and more severe infections. Certain pathogens may also cause systemic infections or long-term health complications, particularly in vulnerable populations such as children, the elderly, and individuals with compromised immune systems.

Beyond public health, fecal contamination also exerts environmental impacts, disrupting aquatic ecosystems and harming aquatic life. High levels of organic matter and nutrients from fecal waste can lead to eutrophication, the excessive growth of algae and aquatic plants, which depletes oxygen levels in the water and creates dead zones where marine life cannot survive. Additionally, pathogens in fecal matter may infect wildlife, leading to population declines or disruptions in the ecological balance. Contaminated water bodies may also contribute to the spread of invasive species or harmful algal blooms, further impacting biodiversity and ecosystem health.

Moreover, fecal contamination entails economic consequences, resulting in significant losses due to the closure of recreational areas, beaches, and shellfish harvesting areas. Contaminated water may necessitate costly cleanup efforts and treatment measures to restore water quality to safe levels. Furthermore, outbreaks of waterborne illnesses can strain healthcare systems, lead to productivity losses from illness-related absenteeism, and incur expenses associated with medical treatment and public health interventions. Communities reliant on contaminated water sources face social and economic challenges, including reduced access to safe drinking water and diminished recreational opportunities. Public perception of water quality can also impact tourism and local economies, affecting businesses dependent on water-based activities such as fishing, boating, and tourism.

Limitations of Fecal Indicator Bacteria (FIB)

Fecal indicator bacteria are microorganisms used to detect and estimate the level of fecal contamination in water bodies. They are not necessarily harmful themselves but are used as proxies to indicate the potential presence of pathogenic bacteria, viruses, and protozoa originating from fecal matter.

However, using FIB to predict human health risk operates on the assumption that FIB concentrations consistently correlate with pathogen presence. Numerous studies have shown a lack of correlation between FIB concentrations and the presence of pathogens in water samples. This discrepancy is attributed to the physiological and phylogenetic differences between FIB and pathogens, as well as the shedding of FIB by various animal species. Epidemiological studies have also failed to establish significant relationships between human health outcomes and FIB levels, particularly in non-point source pollution scenarios [2].

Moreover, the capability of environmentally adapted strains of FIB to persist and even grow in various habitats, including terrestrial soils and aquatic environments, further complicates the use of FIB as indicators of fecal contamination. This persistence widens the gap between FIB and pathogens, making it challenging to accurately assess human health risks associated with waterborne pathogens. Additionally, the widespread distribution of FIB among different host species makes it difficult to identify specific sources of contamination, hindering efforts to remediate polluted waters effectively [2].

Why Identifying the Source Matters

Imagine a scenario where a popular swimming beach is found to be contaminated with fecal bacteria. The source of this contamination could stem from various origins, ranging from an off-leash dog park upstream to agricultural runoff from a nearby farm.

Instead of employing broad-spectrum approaches that may be costly and inefficient, understanding the exact source enables resource managers to tailor interventions to address specific contamination pathways. For instance, if contamination stems from agricultural runoff, implementing buffer zones or adopting sustainable farming practices can be more targeted and impactful than generic pollution control measures.

Moreover, identifying the source allows for a more accurate assessment of the associated risks to human health and the environment. Different sources of fecal contamination carry varying levels of risk, depending on the presence of specific pathogens and pollutants. For example, contamination from human feces is often considered more hazardous due to the prevalence of human-specific pathogens like Salmonella and hepatitis A virus. By discerning the origin, authorities can prioritize interventions based on the severity of the risks posed, thereby safeguarding public health more effectively.

Beyond immediate mitigation efforts, identifying the source of contamination facilitates proactive measures to prevent future occurrences. Once the source is known, targeted prevention strategies can be implemented, ranging from improving sanitation infrastructure to modifying land-use practices. For instance, if contamination is traced back to inadequate wastewater treatment facilities, upgrading these facilities becomes imperative to prevent recurring pollution incidents. Similarly, if contamination originates from wildlife populations, habitat conservation efforts or measures to restrict animal access to water bodies may be warranted to mitigate risks.

Applications of Microbial Source Tracking

Water Quality Management

One of the primary applications of MST is in the management of water quality. Municipalities and environmental agencies use MST to identify contamination sources in drinking water supplies, recreational waters, and stormwater systems. By tracing the origins of microbial pollutants, MST helps in developing targeted strategies to prevent contamination, ensuring safe and clean water for public consumption and recreational activities. For instance, MST can determine whether a contamination event in a river is due to agricultural runoff, sewage overflows, or wildlife activity, allowing for precise and appropriate remediation actions.


In the agricultural sector, MST is used to track sources of microbial contamination that can affect both crop production and adjacent water bodies. Runoff from farms often carries fertilizers, pesticides, and microbial contaminants from animal waste into nearby streams and rivers. MST helps identify these sources, enabling farmers and regulatory bodies to implement best management practices (BMPs) to reduce runoff, protect water quality, and maintain the health of agricultural ecosystems. This is crucial for preventing outbreaks of foodborne illnesses and protecting the quality of water resources used for irrigation.

Wildlife Studies

MST is also valuable in wildlife studies, particularly in understanding the impact of wildlife on water quality. Wild animals, such as birds, deer, and other mammals, can contribute to microbial contamination in natural water bodies. By identifying specific microbial signatures associated with different wildlife species, MST helps ecologists and conservationists assess the influence of wildlife populations on environmental health. This information can inform wildlife management strategies and habitat conservation efforts, ensuring that natural ecosystems remain balanced and healthy.

Public Health Monitoring

Public health agencies utilize MST to monitor and respond to outbreaks of waterborne diseases. By rapidly identifying the sources of microbial contamination during an outbreak, MST enables swift public health interventions to control and prevent the spread of disease. This is particularly important in densely populated areas and regions with limited access to clean water.

Methods of Microbial Source Tracking

Microbial source tracking methods are typically categorized into library-dependent and library-independent approaches.

Library-dependent methods

Library-dependent methods rely on comparing bacterial strains isolated from fecal sources and water samples to a library of known strains. This approach requires the development of biochemical or molecular fingerprints for bacterial strains and can be time-consuming and expensive. Library-dependent methods tend to be geographically and temporally specific, limiting their applicability on a broader scale [3].

Antibiotic-resistant analysis and carbon source utilization are common approaches for library-dependent phenotypic analysis, but they have limitations in accuracy and practicality. Genotypic analysis methods like ribotyping, pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), and rep-PCR are used for library-dependent MST, offering high sensitivity but requiring extensive local strain collections for comparison [3].

Library-independent methods

Library-independent methods, on the other hand, detect specific genetic markers associated with host species directly from water samples without the need for a library. These methods, often based on polymerase chain reaction (PCR), offer advantages in terms of speed and cost-effectiveness. They provide a more complete picture of fecal pollution sources without the constraints of library-dependent methods [3].

These methods, such as amplicon length heterogeneity PCR (LH-PCR) and terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP), are based on specific genetic sequences distinct to host fecal bacteria, providing a broader view of fecal pollution sources. Additionally, host-specific bacterial and viral PCR methods have emerged as cost-effective and rapid options for library-independent MST, showing promise for characterizing microbial populations without the need for culturing organisms [3].

About Kraken Sense

Kraken Sense develops all-in-one pathogen and chemical detection solutions to accelerate time to results by replacing lab testing with a single field-deployable device. Our proprietary device, the KRAKEN, has the ability to detect bacteria and viruses down to 1 copy. It has already been applied for epidemiology detection in wastewater and microbial contamination testing in food processing, among many other applications. Our team of highly-skilled Microbiologists and Engineers tailor the system to fit individual project needs. To stay updated with our latest articles and product launches, follow us on LinkedInTwitter, and Instagram, or sign up for our email newsletter. Discover the potential of continuous, autonomous pathogen testing by speaking to our team.


  1. https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/73/ss/ss7301a1.htm

  2. https://academic.oup.com/femsre/article/38/1/1/509509

  3. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/B9780123946263000144


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