Harnessing Wastewater Data to Tackle the Opioid Crisis

Since 2016, Canada has witnessed over 40,000 opioid-related deaths. Originating in the late 1990s with the widespread prescription of opioid painkillers, the impact of the opioid crisis is felt across every segment of society [1].

The opioid crisis demands urgent and sustained action. Through the integration of advanced data-driven methods like wastewater-based epidemiology (WBE), we can better understand the patterns of drug use and implement targeted strategies to mitigate the devastating effects of the drug epidemic. By analyzing the substances found in wastewater, WBE offers a comprehensive, real-time picture of drug use within communities, enabling public health officials to respond more effectively and efficiently.

The Opioid Crisis

Impacts of the Opioid Crisis

The opioid crisis has led to a staggering increase in overdose deaths, strained healthcare systems, and placed immense burdens on law enforcement and social services. Communities have experienced significant socioeconomic challenges due to lost productivity, increased healthcare costs, and the destabilization of families affected by addiction.

Healthcare systems have been strained to their limits as emergency rooms contend with the influx of opioid-related admissions. The crisis has also worsened public health challenges, contributing to the spread of infectious diseases like HIV and hepatitis C. Needle-sharing among opioid users has been a significant driver of these infections, necessitating intensified efforts in harm reduction strategies and access to clean needles.

Moreover, the crisis has exacerbated existing disparities, disproportionately affecting vulnerable populations such as low-income communities, minorities, and those with a history of trauma or mental illness. Communities already grappling with poverty and limited access to healthcare services bear a disproportionate burden of the crisis

Contamination in the Illicit Drug Supply

The opioid crisis has escalated dramatically in recent years, driven primarily by an increasingly lethal illegal drug supply. This supply is now heavily contaminated with potent opioids such as fentanyl, alongside other non-opioid substances like xylazine [1].

Fentanyl, commonly found in the illicit drug supply, is particularly dangerous due to its extreme potency. Even minuscule amounts of fentanyl can be fatal, and its presence in the illegal drug supply has significantly heightened the risk of overdose-related harms and deaths across the country. Users cannot detect its presence through sight, taste, or smell, making accidental overdose more likely [1].

Xylazine, an animal sedative, has also recently emerged in the illegal drug supply in Canada and the United States. When mixed with opioids, xylazine increases the risk of overdose and death as both substances depress respiratory function. What makes xylazine especially dangerous is its lack of response to opioid treatments. Naloxone can rapidly reverse an opioid overdose but does not counteract the effects of non-opioid drugs like xylazine, underscoring the complexity and urgency of addressing the risks posed by the current illegal drug supply [1].

Understanding Wastewater-Based Epidemiology

What is Wastewater-Based Epidemiology?

Wastewater-Based Epidemiology (WBE) involves analyzing wastewater to monitor the presence of various substances, including drugs. Samples are collected from sewage systems, then tested to detect and quantify drug metabolites that are excreted by individuals in the community. WBE provides a real-time snapshot of drug consumption patterns at a population level, offering valuable insights into drug use trends, emerging substances, and the overall public health impact within a region.

Advantages of WBE in Drug Monitoring

WBE offers several advantages over traditional drug monitoring methods. It is non-invasive, requiring no direct interaction with individuals and ensuring privacy and anonymity for residents. This allows for continuous monitoring without the need for voluntary participation, overcoming many of the biases associated with self-reporting in surveys or clinical studies.

Moreover, WBE offers extensive coverage by sampling entire communities or population groups simultaneously. This holistic approach provides a comprehensive overview of drug consumption patterns across different demographics and geographic areas within a region. By capturing a broad spectrum of data from various sources within the wastewater, WBE enables a more nuanced understanding of drug use trends and the distribution of substances within a population.

Additionally, WBE allows for real-time data collection and analysis. This capability enables public health officials and policymakers to promptly identify emerging trends or spikes in drug use, facilitating timely interventions and responses. Its cost-effectiveness also makes it an attractive option for large-scale public health surveillance, offering valuable insights at a fraction of the cost of other methods.

How Wastewater Data Can Inform Drug Epidemic Strategies

Identifying Drug Use Patterns

Wastewater data provides a detailed geographic and temporal map of drug use, which is crucial for understanding and addressing the drug epidemic. By analyzing drug metabolites found in sewage from different regions, public health officials can pinpoint hotspots of drug activity. This geographic mapping can reveal which neighborhoods or cities are most affected, allowing for targeted interventions. Temporal trends also emerge from wastewater analysis. For example, increased drug use on weekends, during holidays, or following significant events can be detected. These patterns offer valuable insights for planning interventions, such as increasing outreach and support services during identified high-risk periods.

Detection of Emerging Drugs

One of the most significant advantages of wastewater monitoring is its ability to detect new or emerging drugs before they become widespread. By continuously analyzing wastewater, public health officials can identify the presence of novel substances early on. This early detection allows for proactive measures, such as issuing public health warnings, increasing surveillance, and preparing healthcare facilities to handle potential overdoses. Detecting emerging drugs at an early stage can prevent them from gaining a foothold in the community, thereby reducing the likelihood of a new wave of addiction and related health issues.

Rapid and Targeted Interventions

Wastewater analysis provides data-driven insights that can guide the allocation of resources more efficiently. In areas identified as having high drug use rates, resources can be concentrated to increase the availability of addiction treatment services, enhance harm reduction programs, and coordinate with local healthcare providers to manage any increase in overdose cases. Furthermore, wastewater data enables rapid responses to emerging drug threats. By identifying increases in drug use promptly, health authorities can act quickly to save lives and reduce the overall impact on public health.

Case Studies: Successful Use of Wastewater Data for Drug Monitoring

European Multi-City Study

The European multi-city study on wastewater analysis for drug monitoring began in 2010 to explore geographical and temporal patterns of drug use across 90 European cities. Researchers utilized a standardized protocol across all locations, allowing direct comparisons of illicit drug levels across Europe for over a decade. Wastewater samples were analyzed to detect urinary biomarkers and metabolites indicating the presence of amphetamine, methamphetamine, ketamine, MDMA, cocaine, and cannabis [2].

The study highlighted significant geographical variations in drug use patterns across Europe. For example, cocaine use was more prevalent in western and southern European cities, particularly cities in Belgium, the Netherlands, and Spain. Additionally, larger cities tended to have higher levels of cocaine and MDMA residues compared to smaller towns, while there were no such differences in the levels of cannabis, amphetamine, or methamphetamine [2]. However, this trend is beginning to dissipate, as for the first time, the most recent report showed no marked differences in cocaine and MDMA levels across large and small cities. This indicates that drug use patterns typically observed in urban areas may be extending to smaller towns [3].

Temporal variations in drug use were also observed, with higher levels of cocaine and MDMA detected during weekends, suggesting increased recreational use during these periods. In contrast, cannabis and methamphetamine showed more consistent usage throughout the week across most cities [2].

Based on this information, researchers can track changes in how people use illegal drugs, adding to our understanding of drug behaviour and helping public health officials combat drug misuse [2].

United States

In December 2022 and January 2023, researchers collected 24 wastewater samples from eight treatment plants across seven states in the United States. Samples underwent processing and analysis at Arizona State University and The University of Queensland using validated liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry methods [4].

Notably, an opioid called protonitazene was detected in samples from two sites. Protonitazene is a potent synthetic opioid approximately three times stronger than fentanyl, raising alarm due to its lethality even in small doses. Synthetic opioids like protonitazene have become major contributors to overdose deaths globally, as these opioids are often found in substances that mimic or are sold as other opioids such as oxycodone, fentanyl, and heroin [4].

This finding highlights the crucial role that WBE plays in identifying emerging drug threats by detecting novel substances like protonitazene in community wastewater samples. This early detection helps inform public health responses, facilitates timely interventions, and enhances overall drug surveillance efforts to mitigate potential harm to individuals and communities [4].

Challenges and Considerations

Data Interpretation

Reliably interpreting wastewater data poses significant challenges due to the complexity of the samples and the diverse range of substances they may contain. Wastewater samples are composite mixtures of biological and chemical waste from entire communities, making it difficult to pinpoint specific substances. Additionally, the presence of environmental factors and degradation products can complicate the analysis. For instance, some drugs may break down into multiple metabolites, each requiring separate identification and quantification. Accurate interpretation also demands an understanding of local factors that might influence the data, such as population size, seasonal variations, and industrial discharges.


Without standardized protocols for sampling, analysis, and data reporting, comparing results across different studies or regions becomes challenging. Inconsistent methodologies can lead to variations in data quality and reliability, undermining the potential benefits of WBE. Establishing standardized protocols involves developing uniform guidelines for sample collection (e.g., frequency, volume, and storage conditions), analytical procedures (e.g., detection methods and calibration standards), and data interpretation (e.g., normalization techniques and reporting formats). Additionally, data-sharing agreements and collaborative frameworks are essential to facilitate the exchange of information and best practices among researchers, public health officials, and policymakers. Standardization efforts not only enhance the comparability and credibility of wastewater data but also support the scalability and sustainability of WBE programs globally.

About Kraken Sense

Kraken Sense develops all-in-one pathogen and chemical detection solutions to accelerate time to results by replacing lab testing with a single field-deployable device. Our proprietary device, the KRAKEN, detects bacteria and viruses down to 1 copy and can be integrated with SCADA systems. It has already been applied for epidemiology detection in wastewater and microbial contamination testing in food processing, among many other applications. Our team of highly-skilled Microbiologists and Engineers tailor the system to fit individual project needs. To stay updated with our latest articles and product launches, follow us on LinkedInTwitter, and Instagram, or sign up for our email newsletter. Discover the potential of continuous, autonomous pathogen testing by speaking to our team.


  1. https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/opioids/overdose-crisis-toxic-illegal-drug-supply.html

  2. https://www.emcdda.europa.eu/publications/html/pods/waste-water-analysis_en

  3. https://www.emcdda.europa.eu/news/2024/4/latest-wastewater-data-88-european-cities-reveal-cocaine-detections-rise_en

  4. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38360322/


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