In-line Pathogen Detection at Critical Control Points (CCPs)
Food and beverage Jade Hall Food and beverage Jade Hall

In-line Pathogen Detection at Critical Control Points (CCPs)

Ever wonder how that juicy burger or crisp salad arrives on your plate safe for you to eat? It's not just magic. The food and beverage industry relies on a system called Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP), an internationally recognized method for preventing foodborne illnesses. Combined with in-line pathogen detection, these systems work together to keep your food safe and delicious.

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International Day of Plant Health: Safeguarding Plants and Crops through Pathogen Detection
Food and beverage, Agriculture Jade Hall Food and beverage, Agriculture Jade Hall

International Day of Plant Health: Safeguarding Plants and Crops through Pathogen Detection

The global movement of goods and climate change have exacerbated the spread of plant pests and diseases, posing significant threats to agricultural productivity, biodiversity, and food security. In response, the United Nations has designated May 12th as the International Day of Plant Health to rally concerted efforts to protect plant health and mitigate the risks posed by pathogens.

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The Benefits of Customized Pathogen Detection Systems for Food Quality Control
Food and beverage Jade Hall Food and beverage Jade Hall

The Benefits of Customized Pathogen Detection Systems for Food Quality Control

Ensuring food safety is a paramount concern for everyone, from farmers and producers to retailers and consumers. However, traditional methods of pathogen detection in the food industry have their limitations. Customized pathogen detection systems are a game-changer in food quality control, offering faster and more accurate solutions for identifying and mitigating pathogenic risks.

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Seafood Safety: Pathogen Detection in the Seafood Industry
Food and beverage Jade Hall Food and beverage Jade Hall

Seafood Safety: Pathogen Detection in the Seafood Industry

Millions of people rely on seafood as a primary source of protein. However, seafood is responsible for a significant proportion of foodborne illnesses and outbreaks each year. Chemicals, metals, marine toxins, and infectious agents have been found in seafood, including bacteria, viruses, and parasites causing symptoms that range from mild stomach irritation to life-threatening illnesses.

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International Day of Awareness on Food Loss and Waste Reduction
Food and beverage, Sustainability Jade Hall Food and beverage, Sustainability Jade Hall

International Day of Awareness on Food Loss and Waste Reduction

Every year, millions of tons of food are lost or wasted across the globe. International Day of Awareness on Food Loss and Waste Reduction, observed on September 29th, serves as a reminder of the urgent need to address this global challenge to minimize the effects on world hunger, resource loss, and climate change.

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